What Does Self Representation Look Like?
Two examples:
A while back, someone called and told me they wanted to vacation in Watamu. I was gracious enough to take them through all the local nice places to visit.
She has the right to do what she wants with her money, so I understood that.
She told me that she has no one for company on her trip-would I be willing to show her around. Her proposition was that she would cater for drinks and entertainment.
I told her I charge a daily tourguiding fee of 6,000, and invoiced her the same.
She went mute-but proceeded with the holiday. It was wonderful and I was happy for her.
I proceeded to work through that weekend and made that 6k through another avenue.
We were both happy.
Example 2:
Someone came to my house and asked for a copy of Lisa. She pobably expected that I'd give it free because she's a friend.
I waited for a week, on the second- I texted her and reminded her that she has to pay for the copy.
She asked how much it was and I reminded her- so she paid the 1,000 bob.
Again, Instead of silently cursing and thinking
"Alibeba kitabu na hata hawezi lipa,"
Or making her an enemy because she doesn't 'support my hustle' I asked. And we are still good friends.
These are small steps I am learning because for years, I thought being honest about the value of my time, money and service would lead to people disliking or abandoning me.
But I am realizing that when I betray myself and what I need, other people have no option than to betray me since they cannot represent me and my needs.
Happy Monday
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