Why You Should Stop Beating Your Child For Poor Handwriting and Spilling
Unawekea mtoto juice/chai kwa kikombe. Mtoto anaishika, unageuka....a minute later, yote iko kwa floor....ama worse, kwa kiti.
Unachemka, kwanza. So you yell and then you slap the kid for messing the carpet/seats.
The X-ray photo on the right belongs to a child's hand. The one on the left, belongs to a 20 year old.
The red spaces on the child's hand is a soft tissue called cartillage. It is not as strong as bones. If you look at the wrist of the child, you can see its all red, meaning the child does not have a wrist bone
That's right, your child will develop the full potential to use his or her hand at 20.
When your child spills, most of the time it is not out of rudeness, they simply don't have strong bones and the strength to hold things.
The same with handwriting. Little kids will have a shaky handwriting until the age of 8 or 9.
It is only through exercise and a proper diet that the soft tissue will calcify, and and their fingers will gain the fine motor skills to write well.
So kindly caregivers, parents, and teachers.... The child is not writing poorly or spilling to test your demons, they simply do not have the strength to match your ridiculous expectations.
Be patient as they grow. Slapping them won't speed up the growth, and neither will yelling or punishment.

That's right, your child will develop the full potential to use his or her hand at 20.
When your child spills, most of the time it is not out of rudeness, they simply don't have strong bones and the strength to hold things.
The same with handwriting. Little kids will have a shaky handwriting until the age of 8 or 9.
It is only through exercise and a proper diet that the soft tissue will calcify, and and their fingers will gain the fine motor skills to write well.
So kindly caregivers, parents, and teachers.... The child is not writing poorly or spilling to test your demons, they simply do not have the strength to match your ridiculous expectations.
Be patient as they grow. Slapping them won't speed up the growth, and neither will yelling or punishment.

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